Submission Guidelines
The journal Science accepts original articles previously published or not in other communication outlets or journals.
The contents of the papers should report breakthroughs in quality of life or present management practices that depict new knowledge, focusing on excellence in health practice, teaching or research.
Articles should be submitted by email to:
By submitting the article, the main authors automatically state that they are responsible for the article and grant the Copyrights for it. It means that the main author should ensure that all co-authors, if any, are aware and grant the copyrights of the submitted article. Moreover, when the paper involves the name of an organization, the main author should inform the organization about the said submission. It is required that all involved parties be aware and agree with the submission and copyright granting. A maximum of six authors will be accepted per submission.
Published-related costs: no submission or publishing fees will be charged from articles accepted for publication.
Articles that have similarities with previously published materials will be excluded from the review process.
Categories for publication
Original article: Results of original research studies, strict clear methodological approach, detailed discussion and interface with national and international scientific literature. Limited to 15 pages (including abstract, tables, figures and references).
Systemic review with or without meta-analysis or meta-synthesis: Analysis of original studies, quantitative or qualitative, focusing on evidence collection. Limited to 25 pages (including abstract, tables, figures and references).
Theoretical study:
Analysis of theories or methods that support patient quality and safety and contribute to the development of health knowledge.
Limited to 15 pages (including abstract, tables, figures and references).
Experience report: Study of a situation of interest concerning health-related work in different areas of knowledge, including analyses of conceptual implications, descriptions of procedures with interventional strategies, or methodological evidence appropriate to assess the efficacy of a procedure or strategy. Limited to 15 pages (including abstract, tables, figures, and references).
Perspective: Opinion papers based on topics related to health safety and quality. We look for provocative inputs that challenge the current beliefs and consensus, stimulating the discussion and critical thinking to promote innovation and continuous improvement in the areas. Limitec to 15 pages (including abstract, tables, figures, and references).
Editorial: Invitations made by the journal editors. These articles are not submitted to peer review.
Structure and preparation of manuscripts
We recommend that you download and edit the templates of Revista Science.
File format: doc or docx (MS Word).
Text: Official writing in A4 sheets; line space 1.5; font Times New Roman, size 12, including the tables. The format should follow the rules dictated by ABNT – NBR 6023/2018. Use 2.5 cm upper, lower and lateral margins.
The title page must contain:
Title: Maximum 16 words, only in the manuscript language, in bold, capital letter in the first word of the title and in appropriate nouns. Do not use abbreviations, acronyms or geographic location of the study. The title should be clear, exact and catchy.
Authors’ names: Complete name without abbreviations, numbered with Arabic numerals, referring to the CV (academic training, position and affiliation, location, and state).
Corresponding Author: Inclusion of name, email and phone number for internal use of the editorial team.
Abstract: Presented only in the manuscript language, including up to 1,290 characters with space. It should contain objective, method, results and conclusion, except for theoretical studies, in one single paragraph and using the past verb tense.
Descriptors: Three to six descriptors that identify the study, following the language of the abstracts, separated by colon, and extracted from DeCS (Health Science Descriptors), created by BIREME, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) or NLM (National Library of Medicine).
Structure of the Main Document
For original articles, the following topics are mandatory:
It should contain title, abstract, descriptors and the text. It does not include author identification.
Text contents: introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references, presented in separated sections. The objectives should be presented in the end of the Introduction.
Introduction: Brief definition of the study matter, justifying its importance and knowledge gaps, based on updated national and international references. Indication of the Objective (main study focus) in the end of the introduction.
Method/ Description/ Methodology: Study design or description of experience; site and period; target population; selection criteria; sample definition (if applicable); data collection, data analysis and treatment, ethical aspects.
Results: Presentation and description of the obtained data, without interpretation or comments. It may contain tables, charts and numbers for better understanding. The text should be complementary or highlight what is more relevant, without repeating data provided on the tables and figures. The number of participants (if applicable) should be part of the Results section.
Discussion: It should be restricted to the obtained data and/or achieved results, highlighting new relevant aspects observed in the study, discussing the agreement or disagreement with other national and international published studies. It should indicate the limitations of the study and the advances in the research field.
Conclusion: It should be direct, clear and objective, confirming or not the initial hypotheses and based on the results and the discussion. Do not cite the references.
References at the end of the text: Maximum of 30 (except in review studies), standardized as recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) and listed in alphabetical order. Authors may use automatic citation tools, if so desired. Note: in case of online reference, please indicate the address (URL).
Citations of references along the text
Direct quotations of up to 40 words: quotation marks around the words, followed by the authors’ names and year in brackets; direct quotations with more than 40 words: in Times New Roman font size 10, simple spacing and 4 cm from the margin on the left, followed by the authors’ names and year in brackets. Indirect citations should be followed by the authors’ names and year in brackets as per APA standards.
Include only the references strictly relevant to the addressed topics, updated (up to 10-year-old or as applicable) and of national and international reach. Avoid including an excessive number of references in the same citation or concentrate citations from the same periodical. Authors are held responsible for the accuracy of the references.
All citations should be properly indicated in the references, under the risk of incurring in plagiarism.
Figures: A maximum of five tables, charts and figures can be included in the text, without repeated information and with clear and informative titles. The tables should contain in their titles the location, state, country and year of data collection. When not designed by the authors, indicate the appropriate source of the used illustrations.
Acronyms: They should be restricted to a minimum and explained in full the first time they are used. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations in the title or the abstract.
Financial Support: State the name of the public and private organizations that have provided financial and technical aid or any other support. The information should be provided on the title page.